30 September 2012

30 September

Happy Birthday to Alvin, my younger brother.
wish you healthy and wealthy.
I edit this photo last year actually hehe

26 September 2012

26 September

happy birthday panessa suria, wish you healthy and wealthy.
oh ya, this creepy scrump is saying happy birthday as well *smile*

14 September 2012

Aztec Pattern

so here it is, the sixth pattern by me, two tone aztec pattern. inspired by my campus two tone magazine that I've joined lately. I also made a gif animation of this pattern and I posted it on my tumblr. click here if you want to take a look.

just so you know, tomorrow is my birthday. I'm getting older and I began to realized that my life is not going as smooth as I thought, it is not at all what I pictured when I was a little boy. when I was a kid, I can’t wait to grow up, find a job, getting married, and become a father hahaha but now, I wish I could be forever young. I am turning 19 in few minutes, which means my teenage life will be end in 365 days. huh Happy Birthday to me.

05 September 2012

September Begins

all photos above are about business card for my mother's shoes factory (at first, I was asked to design the logo, then I started prompting to make the business card at once), and about my family giving surprise to my father which happened few hours ago cause today is his birthday. surprise has given, now we just have to wait for the birthday dinner :) Happy Birthday papi, many people feel very grateful you were born and I am one of them. wish you healthy and wealthy.